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Variadic Templates in C++

C++ has always been a language revered for its flexibility, depth, and low-level power. It’s a language that enables a variety of programming styles and paradigms, from object-oriented to template meta-programming. One feature of C++ that perfectly encapsulates its versatile nature is variadic templates. Introduced in C++11, variadic templates extend the power of template programming to allow functions, classes, and structures to accept an arbitrary number of arguments in a type-safe way.

What are Variadic Templates?

Variadic templates in C++ are templates that can take an arbitrary number of arguments. They’re named “variadic” because the number of arguments can vary per invocation.

template<typename... Args>
void func(Args... args) {
    // Implementation...

In the code above, Args is a template parameter pack, and args is a function parameter pack. The … is the pack expansion operator.

Using Variadic Templates

Let’s dive into some practical examples to get a better sense of how these templates work. Imagine we want to create a function print_all to print any number of arguments of any types. We could use variadic templates for this:

#include <iostream>

template<typename... Args>
void print_all(Args... args) {
    (std::cout << ... << args) << '\n';

Now we can use print_all to print any number of arguments of any types:

print_all("Hello, ", "world!", " ", 1, 2, 3);  // Prints: Hello, world! 123

In the function print_all, the expression (std::cout << … << args) is a fold expression, a feature added in C++17. It’s equivalent to std::cout << arg1 << arg2 << arg3 << ….

Advanced Use Case: Compile-time Summation

Variadic templates shine in compile-time computations. Let’s create a function that calculates the sum of all arguments at compile time:

template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto sum(Args... args) {
    return (... + args);

This function uses a fold expression to add all arguments together. Here’s how we could use it:

constexpr auto result = sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
std::cout << result << '\n';  // Prints: 15

The sum function accepts any number of arguments and sums them up. Note the use of constexpr which makes the function usable in compile-time contexts.


Variadic templates, just like many other C++ features, are a powerful tool that gives programmers a lot of flexibility. They open up a world of possibilities for writing generic, reusable, and type-safe code. With the power of variadic templates, you can create functions and classes that can accept any number of arguments of any types.

As with any powerful tool, however, variadic templates should be used judiciously. They make code more complex and harder to understand, and they should only be used when necessary. When used correctly, they can greatly improve the expressiveness and reusability of your C++ code.

The journey to mastering variadic templates in C++ is as fascinating as it is rewarding, offering a glimpse into the depth and versatility of the language. Happy coding!

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